COMMITTEE: Transportation & Homeland Security
TIME & DATE: 8:00 AM, Tuesday, August 07, 2007
PLACE: Irving Lecture Hall, Westin DFW Airport
CHAIR: Senator John Carona
The Senate Committee on Transportation and Homeland Security will meet on August 7, 2007, in Irving. The hearing will be held at the Westin DFW Airport hotel on 4545 W. John Carpenter Freeway, Irving, Texas.
The Committee will begin at 8:00 a.m. and hear invited and public testimony on the implementation of legislation and related issues.
Panel 1: Texas Transportation Commission/Texas Department of Transportation
Panel 2: Regional Transportation Council and North Texas Turnpike Authority
Panel 3: TEX-21
Panel 4: Infrastructure Issues
A. Trends in Infrastructure (Bob Cuellar, URS Corporation)
B. Infrastructure Protection (Albert Samano, TRC Corporation)
C. Managed Lanes (Dr. Chris Poe, Texas Transportation Institute)
D. Continuing Concerns (David Stall, CorridorWatch)
Panel 1: Steve McCraw, Dir. of Homeland Security, Office of the Governor
Panel 2: Thomas Davis, Executive Director, Department of Public Safety
Panel 3: Gangs
A. Fred Burton, Stratfor
B. John Chakwin, Special Agent in Charge, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Dallas
C. David Erinakes, Homeland Security Policy Advisor to the Chairman