Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The fallout from SB 792, the counterfeit moratorium, begins!

Terri Hall, Executive Director of T.U.R.F. and the San Antonio Toll Party, writes about the impact of market valuation on toll projects from a San Antonio perspective. Many of her observations are applicable to citizens in the DFW NCTCOG region.

By Terri Hall - San Antonio Toll Party - June 5, 2007
Senator Wentworth tried to MAKE SURE his buddy Zachry could still toll Loop 1604 AND Representative Frank Corte was the ONLY state rep from San Antonio to vote FOR SB 792 that had 1604 stripped from the moratorium and allowed the highest possible tolls (through market based toll rates)! Every San Antonio Senator voted FOR it as well. They didn't mean it when they voted for the PEOPLE'S bill, HB 1892, in "veto-proof" margins when they turned around and voted FOR the GOVERNOR'S bill before they had even read the bill (history here)!

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By Terri Hall - Executive Director of T.U.R.F. - Tuesday, 05 June 2007
As we warned from the time the Governor's bill came into play, SB 792 has more trap doors and loopholes than teeth. The PEOPLE'S BILL, HB 1892, was left vetoed while our politicians passed a pro-toll, pro-TxDOT bill so they could get on with their summer vacations, which will come back to haunt them. This way they could pretend to throw a bone (HB 1892) to the grassroots knowing full well the Governor would veto it and it would NEVER become law, while passing a toll industry bill crafted by the most detested Governor in recent history! Read about our reaction to the bill and our attempts to educate legislators on what was in it here. Perry's claiming victory and his chief toll architect Transportation Commission Chair Ric Williamson is invoking the same Winston Churchill quote we are, "Never ever give up," what does that tell you? Note that Senator Jeff Wentworth tried to make the legislative intent of this bill such that his buddy Zachry can still have access to your wallets using a 50 year monopoly & private toll CDA contract on Loop 1604! And most all of the North Texas and Houston reps and senators voted to exempt their toll projects from the moratorium to the tune of $20 billion in concession fees from PRIVATE, FOREIGN companies. The taxpayers will have to pay these fees back with interest! Time to throw the bums out! The list of the Good Guys is here. The rest SOLD US OUT

Read the rest of her T.U.R.F article here

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A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have. - Thomas Jefferson

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