Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Complaint over Gov. Perry's Mansion Spending

By Fox4 - VMYFOXDFW.COM - July 22, 2010

AUSTIN, Texas - A government watchdog group is filing a complaint against GOP Gov. Rick Perry's campaign for failing to disclose how it spends money at the governor's mansion and at his interim residence.

Since 2001, Perry's campaign has spent more than $800,000 on "mansion expenditures."

Texans for Public Justice said in a complaint Tuesday that Perry's campaign violated disclosure laws by failing to itemize the spending.

Records obtained this year by The Associated Press show Perry has used campaign money to throw parties, buy food and drink, and pay for cable TV and other services at his official residence.

Perry and his wife, Anita, were in a rental property in 2008 when an arsonist set fire to the under-renovation governor's mansion. Nobody has been arrested. The Perrys are still in a rental house.

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A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have. - Thomas Jefferson

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