Monday, August 27, 2007


Office of Nick Lampson - May 11, 2007
WASHINGTON, D.C. - During a House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee hearing today, Congressman Nick Lampson (D-Stafford) strongly questioned U.S. Department of Transportation ("DOT") Secretary Mary Peters regarding DOT's interference with a bill passed by the Texas state legislature concerning public control of state toll roads. The Texas Department of Transportation ("TxDOT") had recently coordinated with the DOT"s Federal Highway Administration ("FHWA"), resulting in policy letters to TxDOT that highlighted certain policy disagreements with the state legislature's bill, H.B. 1892, as passed. The bill now awaits a publicly acknowledged, forthcoming veto by Texas Governor Rick Perry.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - During a House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee hearing today, Congressman Nick Lampson (D-Stafford) strongly questioned U.S. Department of Transportation ("DOT") Secretary Mary Peters regarding DOT's interference with a bill passed by the Texas state legislature concerning public control of state toll roads. The Texas Department of Transportation ("TxDOT") had recently coordinated with the DOT"s Federal Highway Administration ("FHWA"), resulting in policy letters to TxDOT that highlighted certain policy disagreements with the state legislature's bill, H.B. 1892, as passed. The bill now awaits a publicly acknowledged, forthcoming veto by Texas Governor Rick Perry.

"The federal government should not be interfering with Texas counties' control over their own toll roads, and more importantly, should not be interfering with any state issue, period," said Congressman Lampson. "I am pleased to be working with Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison on this issue so that we can protect matters that are rightfully within the jurisdiction of the Texas state legislature."

H.B. 1892, as originally passed, would allow for the North Texas Tollway Authority to bid on the development of toll roads on State Highway 121, located in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. This legislation, and FHWA's subsequent letters, have major implications for several major toll roads throughout Texas, including Harris County. At today's Committee hearing, Congressman Lampson questioned Secretary Peters as to why the DOT issued multiple letters highlighting its views on this particular state legislature issue. These letters, in no uncertain terms, threatened to block federal highway funding for state roads if H.B. 1892 is implemented in its current form as passed.

"County officials are rightfully upset about the actions of Governor Perry, TxDOT, and the FHWA, and I will continue to work with them and my Texan colleagues in Congress to address their concerns in the future," added Congressman Lampson.

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A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have. - Thomas Jefferson

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DFW Regional Concerned Citizens attempts to examine issues from all directions. When a story says "By Faith Chatham" it contains my viewpoint. When it is by others, but posted by Faith Chatham, it is from someone else's viewpoint. When I discover contents which is on topic for this site, I frequently link to other sites. Usually those sites contain content which differs from my viewpoint (and frequently that of other members of DFW-RCC).